Marketing Nightmares To Avoid In Your Small Business

Marketing Nightmares To Avoid In Your Small Business

  Marketing Nightmares To Avoid In Your Small Business. We’ve all had them. Thoughts in the dead of night where you wake up in a cold sweat and think you have sent the wrong email to the wrong person or client. Or maybe you called someone by the incorrect name,...

7 Tips to Overcoming Boredom In Business

7 Tips to Overcoming Boredom In Business Hi Most of us know that marketing, targeting the right type clients, mindset and cash flow are just a few of the things important to a businesses success but one thing YOU MUST NOT LET SET IN is boredom. Why? Because I see it...

Discrimination Or Niche Marketing?

Discrimination Or Niche Marketing? The Dirty Little Word You Need To Use To Build A Business.  Last week I got into a debate with a networking pal about something we all do in business but no one talks about. Discrimination or is it just niche marketing? Anyway my...