Part 2. September 24th, 2013 Tips To Create A Marketing Mindset


Image of staff at Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions Tips To Creating A Marketing Mindset

Tips To Create A Marketing Mindset

#7. Working environment – Some people have work environments with no clutter. Others love clutter and if you walk into my orange room nerve centre you’ll see surfboards, guitars, signs, band photos and other things I love and that stimulate me.

I think having a working environment that suits you and that you feel comfortable in goes a long way to you being more productive, content and happier at whatever it is you do!

#8. Follow up and follow through – Getting peoples attention, getting people to trust and have confidence in you and getting them to make a final buying decision takes a while.

You MUST have emails, verbal and offline marketing steps and systems in place to follow up and follow through. There’s a lot of money and opportunity there but most people in business give up after following up two or three times. Check out Eddie’s Mini Marketing systems for more on that.

#9. Focus your energy on a couple of the most important things that bring you the biggest results. For me it’s focusing on marketing. Helping people in business succeed, educating and advising existing customers, supporting Eddie marketing club members, building the ‘Eddie’ brand as well as keeping that work life balance and relationship in tact. I’m a family first type of guy!

What are the most important things you need to focus your energy on to bring you the biggest results?

Leave yours below and I’ll share them with the fans.

Part 1. September 17th, 2013.

Tips to help YOU create a marketing mindset

Tips to help YOU create a marketing mindset Creative Copywriting Image

Recently I copped a bit of flack from John a workshop attendee because I said, “Marketing isn’t everything, it’s the ONLY THING.”

John piped up at this event I was presenting and said “I’m a Financial Planner so the most important thing for me is giving my clients first rate service and advice.”

My response. “So why are you here John?”

John: “To learn how to get more customers.”

“There you go, I rest my case. Of course giving clients first rate service is important but without marketing you’ll have no customers to give first rate service to.”

As many have said before me, without marketing nothing happens so whether you’re happy operating your small business or shooting to be the next Richard Branson, it’s important to remember that your success will rely on you having the right mindset.

So on request from marketing club members here are the first batch of quick-tips on this month’s theme on “How to create a marketing mindset.”

Enjoy them, embrace them and use them, Jaffaman.

Tips To Create A Marketing Mindset

#1. Think like a strategic entrepreneur not a find them, flog them, forget them opportunity seeker.

Strategic Entrepreneurs ask themselves “How can I build relationships? How can I excite my prospects and customers to get new and repeat business and referrals and do things I’ve never done before to stand me out?”

The opportunity seeker only asks themselves “How can I sell it today and make money NOW and move on to the next widget?”

#2. Every morning write out the top 10 things you’d like to experience in your life and business. This gives your brain direction and focus on what you want.

It also jump starts your brain into thinking about idea’s, strategies, who you need to help you and what you have to do to make those experiences real.

#3. You SELL something. YOU are A Salesperson. Get used to it, get good at it, live it, smile about it, embrace it and NEVER EVER be ashamed of it.

#4. It’s never just one thing. After being married for over 20 years I can tell you having a successful relationship is more than doing just one thing.

Creating a marketing mindset is no different. It’s a combination of things so don’t fall for all the shiny bullets out there just because others are or the online gurus tell you it’s all about social media, pay per click ads and other flashy stuff. The biggest online business in the world ‘Google’ uses one of the oldest and proven marketing methods in the world which is direct mail?

Why? Because it works, so creating a marketing mindset never comes down to doing just one thing.

#5. Never, EVER Get Comfortable. Once you feel comfortable and relaxed, it’s time to turn up the heat and take it up a notch and…

#6. Last but not least. Don’t overload your daily task sheet with one hundred and one things to do each day. If you know you’re never going to complete them don’t set them or write them down because you’re setting yourself up for massive mindset failure.

Remember: Inch by inch it’s a cinch

Stay tuned because next week I’ll be adding more marketing mindset quick tips.

Oh and I’d love to hear your own tip or tips on this if you have some so leave yours below and if you think some of friends would benefit from this information, spread the news, cheer and goodwill and pass it on!

Last but not least if you like me and extremely time poor the best thing to do so you do not miss out on any of these tips is to sign up for a FREE subscription of my copywriting and marketing bulletin blasts here

See ya and thanks,

Jaffaman Eddie.