7 Small Business Social Media Strategies

Image of social media crayon drawing with hands and fingers pointing on Small Business Social Media Strategies page

Small Business Social Media Tips. Whether it is LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or other social media platform, every business is aware of the huge potential social media can have as a marketing tool – if wielded correctly.

But with something as volatile as social media, it can be difficult to know where – and how – to begin.

The truth is, social media at Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions is more about being social than it is about spruiking your products or services.

It’s about sharing our expertise, our personal experiences and engaging with people.  It’s not necessarily something you have to throw wads of cash into to see results. Below, we’ve listed our top 7 small business social media strategies to market your business on social media, create a following, and increase your brand awareness.


Creative Copywriting & COntent Solutions colour logo on Small Business Social Media Strategies page 1. Build your personal and business brand

Contrary to what some businesses might think, your social media pages should not just be constantly churning out links to your website and trying to get sales. Instead, approach your social media marketing as a way to build your brand.

Solidify what your strengths are as a business, and what sets you apart from your competitors.

Then build on this with your social media platforms. Everything you post should be in line with your brand identity, and what sets you apart from everyone else.


2. Establish yourself as an industry authorityImage of Eddie and Jessie at computer on Small Business Social Media Strategies page

Use social media to post content related to your industry. By doing this consistently, you can encourage people who are interested in your industry to follow you, thereby targeting the audiences most likely to turn in to customers.

Think of this as establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. You want people to visit your social media page and see that if they follow you, you’re not just going to be pushing them to buy your product and service. They want to see that you’re going to offer them something of value by following you – interesting and current information on whatever industry your business is in. 


3. Keep up to date

Keep up to date with all the latest developments within your industry, no matter what the industry is. For example, an electronic device repair company could post about the latest news in technology, which is an industry that’s always changing and lots of people are interested in.

Use social media to link people to the latest articles, news, and research to do with your industry, showing them that by liking your page, you’re going to give them info that makes it worth their follow. Or, even better, write about these pieces of industry news yourself. Then you can link them to your blog/website, drive site traffic, and improve search engine rankings.


4. Use trends

Put aside a little time each day to check what’s currently trending on Facebook and Twitter. If you see anything related to your industry, make a social media post that ties in your business in some way.

Using Facebook and Twitter trends is an excellent way to open your business up to wider audiences. Publishing something using what’s trending will ensure that many people see your post, regardless of whether they already follow you or not. When people search for whatever is trending, your post will appear, opening you up to wider audiences. This can then lead to more likes, more shares, more followers, and more potential customers.


5. Give incentives

Target the right demographic by encouraging those who already follow you to share your content on their page. For example, post a deal whereby sharing your post, a follower can go into the draw to win a product or discount on a service. This will make your business appear on your follower’s timeline, for all their friends and followers to see.

A large portion of your follower’s friends are likely to be within the same age group, and interested in the same things as them. Seeing that they can win something by sharing your post will encourage them to like your page and share on their timeline, thereby targeting their friends with similar interests, and so on. This creates a wave effect and can gain you a lot of followers in a short amount of time. Even more importantly, it targets people within your demographic, who are most likely to buy your product/service.


6. Drive website traffic 

Any business with a website knows that increasing site traffic is key to improving your online presence. Higher rates of site traffic increase your search engine rankings, which gets your business website seen by more people, and more potential customers. 

There are a number of small business social media strategies to drive site traffic. For example, if you have a sale on a product, let your followers know with a social media post. Upload a picture of the product with a big “sale” written on a red banner, and you’re guaranteed to get some site traffic trickling in – as well as more sales.


7. Post links to blogs

Write a blog that will offer some interesting info to your readers. Keep it industry-relevant, original, and current. Then post about it on social media, encouraging people to click and read it. Blog writing drives site traffic in two ways – via social media, and via search engines themselves, making them a win-win and well worth the time they take to write.



About Jaffaman Eddie & Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions, Gold Coast

Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions Crew

Eddie is an “A-List” copywriter and visionary marketers creating marketing assets for businesses that keep delivering cash in the bank results long after the original investment. He’s in partnership and connection with small businesses service professionals, Entrepreneurs, retail services and others hungry to multiply new and repeat sales online & offline using direct response copywriting, marketing and personal branding while also teaching people in business how to reduce their marketing waste.

In 2014 he featured in the Australian Entrepreneur’s book, was nominated for a Telstra Business Award, has featured in the New Zealand Herald and since 2003 has been “Igniting Words Into Money With A Love Your Sales Copy Guarantee” under the Eddie brand. For more information get on over to creativecopywriting.com.au


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