SEO Copywriting and Content Writing Tips

By: Jaffaman Eddie SEO Copywriting and Content Writing Tips
Chief Marketing Officer, CMO
Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions, Gold Coast
Date: Dec 8th, 2015

Image of Jaffaman Eddie and Jessie at Creative Copywriting doing seo copywriting writing

SEO Copywriting and Content Writing Tips

Most of us understand, the more frequently you add new content to your website the better.

This is because adding fresh relevant copy and content to your website regularly will improve your organic search engine rankings.

So one of the keys to SEO copywriting and content basics is ensuring that the content on your page is original and that the content on that page relates only to the topic of content on that page.

For example, let’s say you own a concrete business and you concrete new driveways.

All the content on that page needs to be about concreting driveways only. 

And when you sit down, plan it out and think about it, there are probably plenty of topics you can write blogs about concrete driveways.


For example, some topics for blogs on concreting could be

How to choose the right concreter for your driveway

The difference between pebblecrete and concrete for your driveway

Key questions to ask a concreter before hiring them

And so on.


Get the idea, you create a new blog post each time, write the article and publish it.

This helps the search engines to love you and your website because the content is fresh.

Then you can include the URL (link) to your articles in your email signature, prospects and your database in your monthly e-newsletter as an example.


Of course, the reason many people do not keep adding fresh content to their website is time

So, this month, we’re writing 4 articles for the price of 3 for our readers, clients, and fans

Yep, I and the team at Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions are writing 4 x 600 – 800-word articles for the price of 3 on the topic of your choice.

These articles can be featured on your website or blog, be used as teasers in your social media marketing and be included on your e-newsletters to drive traffic back to your website and help raise your search engine results while boosting your exposure, helping create new leads and traffic for 2016.

And all articles are written by myself and my team of Aussie based copywriters at CCCS

** Basic article writing package without pro proofreading (4 x 600 – 800-word articles for the price of 3) saves you $65 off the normal price

*** Deluxe article writing package with pro proofreading included (4 x 600 – 800-word articles for the price of 3) … saves you $85 off the normal price


* Now time is against us as the silly season is just about upon us.

So if you’d like to start getting the search engines to love you and your website and receive 4 articles written for the price of 3 so you can hit the ground running in 2016 book your article and content writing package today before they go back to their normal costs late December 2015

Just call me direct on 0412 288 339

Thanks again, Merry Christmas & be safe
Jaffaman Eddie

About Creative Copywriting and Content Solutions

At Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions on the Gold Coast, we’re all about relationships and getting you results.

Based on the Gold Coast, we assist your business by eliminating your marketing waste using proven methods, rather than theory.

Our copywriting services range from online and offline direct response copywriting and marketing, direct response copywriting, social media posting and set up and marketing coaching and coursesmarketing systemsbusiness information products, and personal branding.Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions Crew

We’ve evolved into one of Australia’s most recognised and reputable copywriting and content writing services serving over 6,000 clients in a variety of different professions, services and industries since we started back in 2003.

For a chat about our copywriting or content writing services or courses, done for you social media services and
personal reputation services, please call or text us 
on 0412 288 339, or complete the contact form below.

P.S. Check out our own social platforms to see what we’ve got rockin’. Head to FacebookInstagramLinkedInYoutube and Google My Business


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