Online Marketing Tips For Small Businesses. 

It’s no secret that online marketing is a major factor in running a successful business in today’s day and age. Online Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

The problem is, every business worth their buck already knows this, and there’s a ton of content out there to compete with. So how can you get your business noticed online? More importantly, how can you get it noticed by the right people – your target demographic?


1. Narrow down your target audience

The first Online Marketing Tips For Small Businesses is identifying your target audience. Who are your clients going to be? You need to look at not only who is going to be buying your product or service, but why they’re buying it and for what purpose do they use it. This will help you identify how to target like-minded people and figure out where your hittest prospects will be


2. Speak their language

Consider the style, preferences and interests of your customer audience in everything you do in your online marketing. For example, if you’re looking at targeting mainly younger customers, invest in a cutting edge web design and keep your language fresh, modern and captivating.


3. Keep social media updated

Modern internet browsers are incredibly savvy. With the online market being so hugely oversaturated, internet users are well aware of the many choices in products and services they have available to them. They’re likely to compare your social media pages and website appearance to your competitors in order to help them make their choice.

Potential customers often look at a businesses social media page or pages to see how popular they are, whether they publish posts regularly, and what a businesses tone of voice are. Modern Internet browsers are also wary of being scammed, and therefore will check out social media and Google reviews to check that the business is legit.


4. Customer testimonials

Another Online Marketing Tips For Small Businesses is to use relevant customer testimonials or your Google reviews page to show your target audience how your product or service has helped people like themselves.

The most effective customer testimonials reveal something about the customer’s life – their personal circumstances, details about their business if relevant, etc. These give your target audiences points to relate to, encouraging them to think that your business can help them in the same way its helped your testimonials.


5. Use the right keywords to optimise your small business online marketing

You can be providing the most incredible, earth-shattering product or service, but its not going to matter an inch if your website is being seen by the wrong people. Invest some time into researching what keywords your target audience uses. Combine this with well-written content, and you’ll increase the chances that the people who stumble across your website will become real, paying customers.


6. Narrow down your geographic area

For a keyword strategy that’s going to be successful, it’s important that you narrow down the geographic area that you want to target in your online marketing. This can be as big or as small as you want – internationally, nationally, a certain state, a certain city, a certain suburb or even a certain street. Consider your location and where most of your customers are coming from, and use this information to target more customers like them online.


7. Connect socially

Social influence is powerful, and this has never been truer than in the digital age of social media. Connect with your customers through social media, and this will open you up to more like-minded audiences. 

Through connecting with your customer on social media, you can see what social media platforms your target audience uses the most. This information will be invaluable to your social media online marketing strategy, helping you decide which platforms to invest the most in, and which ones you don’t need to bother with.


8. Find out your customers interests

The only way to make a meaningful connection with your target audience is to find out more about what they like and don’t like. Learn what’s important to them, and figure out how you can answer this with your business. What about your product or service will enhance your target markets life for the better? And how is it different to what your competitors offer them? Focus on these aspects of your business to make more solid connections with your target audience.


 9. Maintain a blog

Use what you discover about the interests of your target demographic and turn it into blog posts. By maintaining a regular blog, you’ll be creating a wealth of benefits for your business. Plus, you’ll be showing your target audience that you understand them and can help them. Once they begin to think of you as a leader in your industry that offers them value, they’ll be more likely to think of your business when they need whatever it is that you sell.


10. Partner with similar online brands

Find businesses that are in the same industry as you, but don’t offer the same product or service. Then contact them and offer a partnership whereby you expose their brand to your audiences and followers, and they do likewise for you.

The best way to do this is to contact businesses that are a similar size to you. If you have 5,000 facebook likes, only contact businesses that have a similar amount of followers. Tell them your offer of posting the occasional (weekly/ monthly, etc) post on facebook promoting their product, service or business, and ask them to do the same. By doing this with businesses that are in similar industries to you but not your direct competitors, you’ll be opening up your band to new people within your demographic.


11. Stay top of mind

Online Marketing Tips For Small Businesses include that once you’ve gained a deep understanding of your chosen demographic and made the initial connections with them, make sure you do everything you can to stay fresh in their minds.

Make sure your brand identity is visible in every aspect of your online presence. This means using your logo, tagline, colour theme and brand imagery throughout your website, in your email newsletters, and on your social media pages and posts. 

You want your target audience to be so familiar with your brand that when they think of the product or service you sell, you spring to mind instantly. This can be a major contributor to whether or not customers choose you over your competitors. If you’re constantly exposing your audience to your brand, then they’ll also be more likely to recommend you to their friends and family who are looking for a business like yours. This creates word of mouth referrals and waves of new customers within your demographic.


12. Stay ahead of the curve with digital marketing

As technology develops and progresses, so does the way your audience uses it. This is never more true than in the world of the internet and digital marketing. Businesses must stay ahead of the curve to have even a fighting chance of being seen amongst their many competitors. Instead of viewing new developments in technology as a hindrance, try to look at them from a marketing perspective. How can you use it to your benefit? Perhaps you could develop an app, or start advertising on Facebook if thats where your target market are spending a lot of their time.


13. Use responsive website design

 Over half of internet traffic is now viewed on a smartphone. To avoid losing these potential customers, always make sure that you use a responsive web design. This is when your website adjusts itself according to the size of the screen it is being viewed on. With so many people using the internet via smartphones and tablets nowadays, any website that fails to meet this demand will lose massive amounts of customers. 

Having a responsive website therefore gives you an edge over your competitors, and its also something that Google takes into account when ranking your page. Therefore it’s an incredibly beneficial investment, and one that guarantees return on investment.



About Creative Copywriting and Content Solutions



Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions CrewOur passion for copywriting and content writing is our greatest strength and has carried us through since we started back in 2003. Without it, we’d have a much harder getting our customers on the first page of Google and delivering fantastic content into their hands.

We’d like to pass some of that passion onto you and your business so you can increase your marketing returns, generate engagement on social media and your marketing conversation rates to improve your life, profits and businesses value.

Plus we’re the only copywriting and content writing service we know of that gives you a 100% money-back guarantee so call us now, you’ll be thrilled you did. 

Phone: 0412 288 339 


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