How To Find Your Perfect Customer.

Monday, Sept 15th, 2014
By: Jaffaman Eddie

Here’s A Strategy System On How To Find Your Perfect Customer



Because people struggle with how to find the right customers. Many of my students, clients, and marketing club members ask me how I do it and to be honest, you need to zero in and sniper market to your hottest prospects and customers because riches are in niches.

Now as you may (or may not know) there are several businesses under the “Eddie” brand which mean I have several different types of people as customers. However, I use this same process whether they are a corporate customer, start up an Eddie Information Marketing Centre customer or an Eddie marketing system customer.


So for this exercise and to help you get an understanding I’ll choreograph the type of person in business who has been grabbing my $2 gold coin better business pack.

This will give you the general idea so you can use the same process to choreograph the perfect customer/s for your business or businesses.

Also, if you’d like a hardcopy version of the Spring ECMC Moneymaker Entrepreneur magazine and you live in Australia, email me and I’ll mail you one.


How to choreograph and attract your perfect customer…

The people who grab the $2 Gold coin better business pack are just starting out in business or have been in business for about five years or less. He or she believes in their product or service, is passionate about what they do, has a dream and believes that they can truly help people. 

They are street-smart, reasonably well educated, are goal orientated and realise they cannot be all things to all people and do not try to be.

Some are single; married and some divorced. Some work from home, some at the beach and some work in offices and some even still have part-time employment.

Others have employee’s others have a small team and some are solo. 99% of them are all seeking a better life and business on their own terms for themselves and the people they love most in their lives.

When things go wrong they learn from it and move on.

Many are on limited budgets, have limited resources and do everything in their business themselves not by choice but by necessity as they are just starting out.

Most have the technical skills in regards to their business which has got them to where they are now but are looking to get to the next level.


A large percentage feel overwhelmed and lack the real-world marketing muscle and know-how on how to write direct response sales copy and want to know how they can acquire new clients consistently, eliminate random acts of marketing and increase the lifetime value of their existing clients.

Some have been burnt on generic advertising. Some have dabbled in direct response marketing and said it doesn’t work and most are tired of doing the same old things and struggling to get a break through the marketing noise.

Most if not all are unsure about whom to trust and who can help them for an affordable cost.

Now you can narrow down this a lot more to include things such as

How much they spend on marketing per month

What their hobbies are

What income they earn

Social activities, what they read and so on


Action step:

Once you have done all this to the best of your ability give your perfect customer a name, cut out aa photo of them from a magazine or newspaper and stick it on your wall, to your Mac or PC before you write any of your marketing copy.


Because you need to get inside that person’s head and write your marketing headlines, copy offers and so on to them.

Go to it; let me know how you get on. 


Now you know a little bit about how to find your perfect customer, reach out to me for more info and help!

** If you live in Australia and would like a hardcopy edition of the Spring Edition of the ECMC Moneymaker Entrepreneur magazine to contact me by email.


CCCS image cREATIVE cOPYWRITING gOLD cost Eddie How to find your perfect customer

About the Author 

Jaffaman Eddie and his team have been ‘Igniting Words & idea’s Into Money With a Love Your Sales Copy Guarantee” since 2003. He helps smaller businesses, corporate and Entrepreneurs increase their marketing returns and convert more prospects into customers writing direct response copy for business websites, letters, direct mail packages, video scripts, print ads, flyer’s, email campaigns, SMS campaigns and other marketing materials since 2003.

Jaffaman Eddie’s passion for creating and supplying marketing systems, online and offline direct response copywriting services, group & private copywriting coaching, personality marketing, brand image techniques, and infotainment help you reach more clients more effectively for increased return on your marketing spend without any hype, marketing jargon or advertising fluff. To learn more about Jaffaman Eddie and the Eddie business services and brand


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