Blogging is the cornerstone to the success of any online business. Here are 7 Tips To Blogging Success to help you drive site traffic, improve rankings, establish authority and more. 


7 Tips To Blogging Success


Every business worth its salt knows how important online visibility is for drawing customers, building brand identity, and generating profits.

But with every Tom, Dick and Harry owning a website these days, there’s a huge amount of online content to compete with.

Industry and online marketing experts all agree that the best way to do this is through constantly publishing fresh and interesting blog updates. New, relevant and engaging content is what search engines reward, because it’s what the average web browser (and potential customer) wants to see.

If you’re going to invest in an online marketing strategy, blogging is the one method that all industry experts agree, it works without fail. If you’re not convinced blogging is crucial for your business, check out our  7 Tips To Blogging Success below.


1. Blogging improves search engine rankings

Regular content is the number one thing that positively affects search engine rankings.

Google rewards websites that publish new content, and penalize those that don’t with lower rankings. What do you think the average browser would want to see ranked first – a website that publishes new content every week? Or a website that hasn’t been updated for months?

Googles focus is to show web browsers the websites they most want to see. Hence the more you blog, the higher Google will rank your site. It really is that simple!

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2. Blogging drives site traffic

If you own, manage or run a website, you’ll know how important site traffic is.

Hubspot reported that businesses who publish a minimum of 16 blog posts a month will create 4.5 times more leads, and 3.5 times more traffic than businesses that only do 4 posts a month.

No other marketing strategy even begins to touch the massive effects blogging can have on driving site traffic.

Upward spikes in site traffic also go hand in hand with improved search engine rankings. The two can combine to create impressive online visibility that can create incredible profits for your business.


3. Blogging shows potential customers you’re an industry expert

A lot of businesses know how crucial blogging is to creating revenue, which means there’s a crazy amount of content out there to compete with. To have a fighting chance of your website being seen above your competitors, it’s important that the blogs you post are of high quality, as well as being consistent.

Use blogging to show site visitors that you’re an expert within your industry. To do this, you need to show them that you can offer them something of value with your blog posts.

Publish content that is well written, informative and helpful. This will show your blog readers that you’re an authority in your industry, encouraging them to choose your businesses product or service, rather than your competitors.


4. Blogging targets more keywords

Make your blog posts even more effective by using them to target SEO keywords. While you’ll only have a certain number of pages on your website to target keywords, you can use blog posts to target secondary keywords that you haven’t already used. Blogging regularly will build up the number of keywords you target until you’re targeting every keyword you possibly can within your industry.

Do this effectively over time, and you’ll increase the chances of your website being seen when someone searches for a product or service that your business offers.


5. Blogging creates content for social media & email newsletters

Drive traffic back to your site through posting about your latest blog posts on social media and in your email newsletters. This will show your followers that you’re an expert within your industry and that you’re taking the time to provide them original content of value. It also shows prospective new followers that you’re a brand worth following.

Blogging, social media and email newsletters all work together to increase awareness of your brand within your target audience. The fresher you are in their minds, the more likely they are to think of you when they need whatever it is that you sell. Letting followers know about your blog posts through social media and email newsletters also builds on your brand identity, making them think of you as a leading expert in your industry, rather than just a goods and service provider.


6. Blogging builds links to your site

The higher quality your blog posts are, the more likely people are to share it on their social media and link to it on their websites.

Google’s main objective is to create a network of high-quality information. They reward sites that link to “authoritative” websites. And if you’re lucky enough to get one of these websites to link to one of your blog posts, you’ll see a massive spike in your site traffic and search engine ranking.

The only way to achieve this is to publish well-written blog posts that are truly unique. Make sure the content you publish is relevant to your industry, as well as current and original. If you’re offering people valuable information through blog posts, the more it will be shared, reposted, and linked to. This can create a wave effect that is instrumental in creating online visibility, and profits for your business.


7. Blogging gets your business noticed

To really get noticed amongst the oceans of content already out there, your blog posts must be well written, informative, engaging and unique. What’s more, to see tangible, profitable results, industry experts recommend that you blog no less than once a week – and that’s the absolute bare minimum.

Some businesses disregard this, finding it difficult to find the time, money and energy to invest in regular blogging. But the fact is, without regular blogging, its unlikely that your website is going to be visible amongst the many masses of websites that do post regular blog posts. And if you get slack with your blogging, you’re going to see your search engine rankings dropping – and fast.


Blogging = Business Profits

If there’s one online marketing strategy you decide to invest in, make sure it’s blogging. Its the one method that all industry experts agree upon and its results speak for themselves. Start blogging a minimum of once a week, and you’ll be astounded at where it takes you and your business – and the revenue it creates.



About Eddie and Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions Image of Jaffa man Eddie copywriter presenting on stage on creative copywriting blog page

Eddie is an “A-List” copywriter and visionary marketer creating marketing assets for businesses that keep delivering cash in the bank results long after the original investment.

He’s in partnership and connection with small businesses service professionals, Entrepreneurs, retail services and others hungry to multiply new and repeat sales online & offline using direct response copywriting, marketing and personal branding while also teaching people in business how to reduce their marketing waste.

In 2014 he featured in the Australian Entrepreneur’s book, was nominated for a Telstra Business Award, has featured in the New Zealand Herald and since 2003 has been “Igniting Words Into Money With A Love Your Sales Copy Guarantee” under the Eddie brand. For more information get on over to


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