7 LinkedIn Profile Writing Tips

LinkedIn Profile writing tips image

In the busy, fast-paced world of today, some things just aren’t up there on the top of your to-do list so here are 7 LinkedIn Profile Writing Tips to lift your search engine results and exposure on LinkedIn. 

First, it pays to have a profile that will stick in people’s mind.

More than just a rundown of your work history, LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to go into detail and share your story with the people who connect with you – much makes you much more interesting and memorable.


So what are you waiting for? Here are our 7 best tips for writing a standout LinkedIn profile.


1. Choose where to put your keywords

Keep your name just that.

Simplicity is key in this particular field. Keeping it to just your first and last name will help people find you and make
it easier for people to understand who’s profile they’re reading.

The headline is where you can be a bit freer with those keywords. Maximise your search potential by including keywords that highlight your strengths.

You can also mention any verifiable awards that you may have won throughout your career. After all, the words ‘award-winning’ never hurt anyone, did they?


2. Make your summary pop

Your summary is the place where you can really shine. There’s a couple of different ways to make the most of this field, the first of which is pretty simple – use some bullet points.

More often than not people scan read. Use bullet points to highlight your achievements or experience, as people are more likely to read those than blocks of text.

People also think in pictures, which is why it’s also a good idea to make your profile multimedia. Maybe you have a great presentation you want to share or a link to your website – either way, having that visual element will make your profile look so much better.


3. Write like you speak

There’s no point having a profile that’s well set out but completely unreadable. LinkedIn is an informal account of your history, so it shouldn’t be filled with too much technical jargon or phrases that no one but a select few will understand.

If you write casually, you’ll come across as easy to approach and personable, which will make more people want to connect with you and to read your full profile.

People work best with things they can read quickly, which is why varied sentence length, bullet points and white space can be your friend.


4. Go for details

Do you have information that you’ve always kind of wanted to put on your resume, but could never really find a spot for? Like work experience you did at uni or a day’s volunteering you did five years ago?

On LinkedIn, you can include all of that kind of experience without it being out of place. You could even expand on why you did it and what you got out of it, which will make you more personable to whoever is reading your profile.

That being said, you don’t want to be writing thousand-word essays here, so don’t pack in so much information that it makes people stop reading. White space is your friend. Keep it short and sweet, and maybe even throw in some more of those bullet points.


5. Broaden your experience

Again, LinkedIn is the place for detail. When writing about your past experience you have the opportunity to share more than just what it was and how long you were there.

Take advantage of the ability you have to explain. Add in details of not just what you did but your responsibilities and what you accomplished. Show your passion for whatever role’s you had in the past, as that will show that you’ll have passion for anything you undertake in the future.

Here you can also include detail of any classes or courses you might have taken to improve your skills in your field of expertise.


6. Avoid profile buzzwords

Writing in detail is great, but be careful to avoid those words we all know get used way too much.

You know the ones.

Words like ‘driven’ and motivated’ that you feel everyone says they are – even if you actually are driven and motivated. The same old descriptors will make your profile seem boring, even if your summary and experiences are super exciting.

Try finding some different ways of describing yourself and your work ethic without falling into the same old pattern – luckily, there are lists of buzzwords that you can check your profile against.


7. Personalise Your Connection Requests

Connecting is one of the most important parts of LinkedIn. After all, at its heart it is still a social media. Don’t be afraid to connect with people you know, and perhaps more importantly, people you haven’t met yet.

When sending a connection request, always add a small personal note, even just a hello, so that people know that you’ve taken the time – even if it just says hello.

This is especially important when sending a connection request to someone you don’t know as a personalized request will stick in their mind. Then when you do meet, they will remember the effort you took.


So there you have it! 7 easy ways to update your LinkedIn profile to stand out from the crowd.


Of course, we’re all busy people. Sometimes you just don’t have that extra time to sit down and write your own professional LinkedIn profile, even though you want it to be great.

As part of our commitment to the small business community and your businesses growth Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions is more than happy to discuss your LinkedIn Profile writing needs with you today.

Please call 0412 288 339 or email us here.



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At Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions on the Gold Coast, we’re all about relationships and getting you results.

Based on the Gold Coast, we assist your business by eliminating your marketing waste using proven methods, rather than theory.

Our copywriting services range from online and offline direct response copywriting and marketing, direct response copywriting, social media posting and set up and marketing coaching and coursesmarketing systemsbusiness information products, and personal branding. 

We’ve evolved into one of Australia’s most recognised and reputable copywriting and content writing services serving over 6,000 clients in a variety of different professions, services and industries since we started back in 2003.

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