Copywriting & Marketing Business Ideas.


* Play the Three tips to fuel your ambitions daily, weekly and monthly audio

Today, three things to fuel your ambitions, marketing knowledge and goals for the day week and month

Fuel your day – spend five minutes in the morning asking yourself “What can you do to today to make your business better?” and write out the tope ten things you want to achieve in your life.

For example: Also set those start and finish times next to each task for your day the night before, and keep a daily journal or diary of your day so you can look back over it and see how and what progress you made over that day, week and month

Fuel your week  – Throughout the week jot down those fantastic ideas you have about how you can possibly improve your productivity, client relations, marketing, suppliers and employer relationships. Then once a week set aside 2-4 hours and go through those ideas and pick out which ones you can action.

For example:  As an example one idea you may have is to call 5 previous customers a day just to say Hi and connect with them

Fuel your month – Once the months finished go back look at your daily journal or diary to see what was good abut your monthly, what you achieved and what you didn’t.

Get into the ‘easy habit ‘and mindset meaning teach yourself to think in terms of…

It’s easy to get ahead

It’s easy to get the business and clients I want

It’s easy to do more

It’s easy to earn the income I want

It’s easy to action and implement new ideas

It’s easy to…

•• Don’t forget, if you’d like to fuel your ambitions, marketing results and goals with more tips and strategies like these next Thursday March 27th the Better Business harvest day is on!

Tickets are only $15 for the day as part of March Madness and you can get all the details about the gig here. 

Here’s the Three tips to fuel your ambitions daily, weekly and monthly audio again

Stay tuned, stay cool

Jaffaman Eddie