Bermuda Pool Liners Case Study

Type of customer: New
Industry/ Service: Gold Coast Brisbane pool lining and repair service
Business Name: Bermuda Pool Liners


Snapshot of services for Bermuda Pool Liners Creative Copywriting Case Study

SEO Website copywriting package consisting of
Homepage copywriting
Tagline writing
About Us copywriting
Services description copywriting
Why Choose Bermuda Pool Liners website copywriting


The Problem

Bermuda Pool Liners had a successful run with a previous website. However the design and content was old and out of date.

They came to Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions for new SEO website copy. They wanted to attract new clients, increase their organic search engine rankings and include a range of new pool repair and pool lining services they had to offer that their old website did not have featured.


Thanks for all your insight with the website copywriting and relaunching our business, it has been a huge help!!


Bermuda Pool Liners


After using Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions for their SEO website copywriting Bermuda Pool Liners have noticed a steep increase in their organic search rankings and say it is producing a much better result than their previous website copy.


Keep you posted on further results.



About Creative Copywriting and Content Solutions

Our passion for copywriting and content writing is our greatest strength and has carried us through since we started back in 2003. Without it, we’d have a much harder getting our customers on the first page of Google and delivering fantastic content into their hands.

We’d like to pass some of that passion onto you and your business so you can increase your marketing returns, generate engagement on social media and your marketing conversation rates to improve your life, profits and businesses value.

Plus we’re the only copywriting and content writing service we know of that gives you a 100% money-back guarantee so call us now, you’ll be thrilled you did. 


Image of staff at Creative Copywriting & Content SolutionsJaffaman Eddie & the team
Commander In Chief  T.G.I.C.

Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions
Brought to you with passion and purpose by Eddie’s Enterprises
Ph: 0412 288 339

Head Office Address – Level 1, 18 Brendan Drive, Nerang, Qld 4211 Australia


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