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SEO-Friendly Product Description Copywriting Bundles

SEO-Friendly Product Description Copywriting BundlesProduct Description Bundle Pack Page Image Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions

How many times has this happened to your business?

Your product or service draws someone in on your website or eCommerce store, people love it, and then nothing.

Yep online shopping is the way of the future, we all know it.

Gone are the days where we have to stand in the middle of a store pretending to pay attention to the salesperson droning on beside us.

Nowadays, closing that sale comes down to your product descriptions.

Translating that sales pitch into a convincing product description can be a struggle in more ways than one.


What keywords am I supposed to include? How many? What’s the best tone or style of writing to use? How long should my description be?


We could go on and on with the stack of questions you’ll be asking yourself.

Eliminate the guesswork with Creative Copywriting & Content Solutions’ Product Description Bundle, where you can opt to receive a bundle of one, three, five or customised product descriptions professionally written and designed for YOUR products.

We’ll ensure your new product descriptions promote consumer engagement, higher SEO rankings and quick simple sales. 


What’s included? Let’s find out!

Product Descriptions (Available in bundles of one, three, five or custom)
Optimised SEO keywords
Personalised to your target market
One call to action
Quality influential copy and headlines
And more!


How It Works

It’s as simple as securing your purchase, filling out the downloadable questionnaire including the need-to-know details about your products, and getting it back to us so we can start formulating the best product descriptions for you and your business!


It’s only natural you’re gonna have questions about our Product Description Writing Services. So please complete the form below or give the team at Creative Copywriting a call or text on 0412 288 339.

Check out our own social platforms to see what we’ve got rockin’. Head to FacebookInstagramLinkedInYoutube and Google My Business

I got Eddie to write up product descriptions for me and I am amazed at the outcome. Highly recommended.

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